by Neil Hickson | 1 2 November, 2019 | copywriting, marketing strategy
Sell the hole, not the drill bit Benefits are the most powerful way of selling online Humans are generally nice. Most are friendly, many generous. But when it comes to buying things, people want to know ‘What’s in it for me?’ To sell with words, you need to make good...
by Neil Hickson | 1 2 November, 2019 | content marketing, copywriting, marketing strategy
If you don’t like selling, try marketing I don’t like it, I always seem to be talking about selling these days. I was the most un-salesperson you could ever meet. The thought of trying to ‘flog’ something to people when they didn’t really want it used to make me...
by Neil Hickson | 1 1 November, 2019 | Commercial photography, Food photography
This is just a small sample of images that we have shot for Greenslate Farm’s new menu and for the website. Greenslate is such a special place where we don’t talk about food miles, it’s food metres here. It has been a privilege to be the grower at...
by Neil Hickson | 1 1 November, 2019 | marketing strategy
Home About Services Portfolio Contact Blog Finding your USP You can create your USP from something that you and your competition already share What is it that’s different about you and your product or service? What’s your USP or Unique Selling Point?...
by Neil Hickson | 1 1 November, 2019 | digital tools, graphic design
Home About Services Portfolio Contact Blog The visual part of the marketing mix Visual marketing is an important part of delivering your message With digital media becoming more important in our lives we’re all having to embrace this way of communicating. And...