Headshot photography

The Headshot
So you find yourself on someone’s website, and you’re impressed by what they are doing. It all looks great.
But, as you drill in more, it’s human instinct to want to know who’s behind the business and what they look like?
Have you ever been on someone’s Linked In of Facebook profile and they either hasn’t got a picture or have one of their cats, how do you feel about them?
How do you want to look?
Who you are and what you look like is part of the jigsaw picture your reader puts together about your brand. As they go through your online offering, the urge to see you (or your team) builds; you don’t want to let them down.
First impressions matter and you want to make sure that the first glimpse they get of the genius behind this business is a good one. It needs to match the marketing material in its tone; it needs to be part of ‘the brand.’
The 10×8
I did a lot of theatre photography at the beginning of my professional career. At that time, actors all needed one essential item, the 10 inches by 8 inches black and white headshot.
Every actor had to have a headshot, and they were sent far and wide to casting directors. It was the first thing they looked at, the first ‘sift’ of a stack of acting prospects. That headshot mattered. It wasn’t just about showing people at their best; that image had to show their character and persuade a stranger that they were right for the role.
I quickly learned, putting together something as intimate as a headshot was a collaborative process. I had to work with the actor who had a massive investment made in that one image.
Back then, I worked with film, but with digital, you can start to collaborate with any subject by sharing the images straight away just by looking at the back of the camera.
Don’t be nervous
Even in this era of selfies and Instagram, lots of people still hate having their picture taken. It’s so important to be able to put your trust in a photographer who knows about angles and lighting. Someone who will show you not only in your best light but also makes sure your image matches your other branding.
During the shoot, I work with you, sharing images as we go, building confidence until we reach the point when we know what we’ve captured is right for your brand.
I’ve worked with individuals, and I have visited offices to photograph all of the key workers. I even did a group of solicitors offices once calling at each branch with a selection of images for all the main people. I can’t stress the importance of a good set of images for your brand; they are an essential building block.
If you have a headshot that you like, it builds confidence and has many uses. It can be on your website, used in press releases, put on your Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook profiles. You can even send it to accompany your ‘blub’ when you get that excellent speaking engagement.
Get in touch if you want me to work on your image.