Helping with your content needs

It’s not about me, it’s about you and how I help you achieve your goals.


Here’s why you can trust me to get the job done:

I do my research. I don’t start writing on a subject until I know enough to understand who I’m writing for and what my client is trying to achieve.

I’m a great interviewer. Asking the right questions can be an important part of gaining new insights to produce compelling, original copy. 

I’m thick-skinned. Well, enough to take criticism if you need changes, but I’ll justify my reasoning when instinct and experience tell me I’m right.

I’m self-assured. I know my copy will work for your business or your clients. 

I won’t let perfection get in the way of your deadline. Don’t get me wrong, I strive to write perfect copy, but perfectionists can get buried in the work to the point it doesn’t get finished. That means you could miss your deadline. You need the copy, I understand that, and that’s all I’m saying.

Most people can write, but writing to sell is a different thing.

With my help,


  • You’ll grab people’s attention and communicate clearly.
  • Your social media posts will draw people to your website.
  • Your website will convert interest into customers.
  • You will have more time to do the things your business needs you to do.
Digital content marketing image

Attention-grabbing images combined with persuasive copywriting turns your website into a business driving machine.

Whatever changes are made to search engines, or whatever social media platforms come or go, one thing is consistent. Your content is what catches attention, generates interest, and ultimately makes people buy your product or service.

Quality content takes time and/or money. It’s an investment in your business, just like equipment or property. Spend wisely and get results.

Investing in a digital marketing package could answer your marketing needs.

If you want to know why your competition is on page one of Google but you’re not visible, then contact me.

I’ve written, photographed, built websites, marketed and produced online content for twenty years now. It’s a wide band of skills all at your disposal.

I love marketing and have always tried to help others wherever I can. I have a breadth of experience from working with many businesses. I have now put these skills together to give you or your clients the services needed to help a business succeed.

I keep my own life in balance by helping out on our organic community farm in rural Lancashire, England.

If you really want to know more about me, you can have a delve into my past life here.


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Call me 07803 925446

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