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Professional Communications Manager

It’s a multi-channel, multi-media, multi-platform world. Keeping your organisations profile in view isn’t something you can do with the odd Facebook post and a leaflet. 

It would help if you had a strategy and some creative content. And it would save you loads of time if you had someone who could take care of all your needs; writing copy, taking pictures, editing videos, tweaking your website design, and posting on social media. These are just some things that a professional communications manager can take care of for you.

Find out how I can take care of you here.


Every business needs good copy, great images, stimulating video content and a solid website. That’s a range of skills that not many people have ‘in house.’ Let me take care of your needs with a regular monthly time allocation. I can be your part-time comms department.

Working with environmentally sustainable and community businesses.

If you want copy for your environmentally sustainable or community business, you’ve found the right person. I want to work with businesses that strive to make the world we live in a better place. I’ve committed my own time and money to start an organic community farm in Lancashire, England. The experience I’ve gained from this continues to inspire me and inform the work I’m doing for other environmentally sustainable businesses.

Neil Hickson

When people create a website, they quite rightly think of how it will look. But, they push the words on the website right at the bottom of their list of priorities. This approach is COMPLETELY WRONG! Making a movie is very similar to building a website. Watch this video to find out why you should put a lot more attention on the words on your website.


Businesses I’ve worked with say…

Because Neil knows our story, aims, and brand voice, he’s effective at creating promotional content to help us reach our goals.

Kath Godfrey

Farm Director, Greenslate Community Farm

Neil Hickson has a way with words!… We wholeheartedly recommend his services to anyone running events and wanting to reach their audience.

Jenny Wilson

Business Owner, @Artreach

I highly recommend Neil to other businesses for the way he works with people and the marketing services he provides.

Rhiannon Jones

Farm Manager, Greenslate Community Farm

Questions cost nothing, ask me one now.

Call me on

07803 925446

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Call me 07803 925446